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Discussion 14_History

Discussion 14_History

Q In this Discussion consider all aspects of the Civil War. Why did the Southern States believe that the election of Lincoln was such an existential threat that they attempted to secede from the Union? How did Lincoln and Davis differ? Options for International interference ( Note: During the Civil War the Union army was the largest army in the World and the Confederate Army was the second largest.) The Union plans for the post-War United States?

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The American Civil War was a result of many things and it is not possible to give just one reason for the war. The election of Abraham Lincoln played a crucial role in the start of the Civil War. It adversely affected the Union as the southern countries seceded on by one due to the existential crisis from which they were suffering from. The election of one of the most influential Presidents of the United States of all the time has led to several consequences and one of them was Southerners feeling a strong sense of existential crisis. The Southern secession is considered as one of the main reasons of the American Civil War as the Union was tried to be saved by many actions such as the Missouri Compromise, and the secession of the southern countries worked as a catalyst in the Civil war.